Matina Nur Sabila [Bella, Be, Bee] |
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apapun makanannya, minumnya tetap Teh Botol SOSRO!
gag nyesel kan masuk semesta? Apalagi barengan terus sama RE Ler (Fio, Bulan, Metha, Aku J), semesta AC-nya dinyalain dong!!
My favourite |
teachers Mam G?l, Mam G?l, Mam G?l, Mr R?fat? Pak Kuncoro |
lessons bahasaku, Bahasa Indonesia; English; Mathematics |
places kantin tempat yg co2y bwt nongkrong.., kasurku di kamar asrama, kamar8, paling nyaman, bikin ati tenang, cobain deh! |
songs No Air, Reflection, Keliru, Take A Bow J, Andai Aku Besar-nya Sherina.. |
sports jalan-jalan buat shopping itu termasuk olahraga lho!, volleyball! |
foods nutri burst! |
drinks chlorophyl, air putih, teh botol sosro.. |
things dompet, sisir, kaca, si ungu, si item, tissue, johnson, deodorant (duniaku hampa tanpa mereka!) |
people mama ku, mama ku, mama ku, Mam G?l, trus baru papah.. J |
another things about me
I finished my Junior High School in SMPN 2 SEMARANG. I like travelling, goo shopping, naek sepeda juga suka.., but totally I hate all of these thing(s), gag suka makan, bau, apalagi deket2 sama DURIAN!. In the future, I'm going to be (a/an) mau jadi orang sukses dunia akhirat! Amin3x. So, I'll always try to get my best!.