Muhammad Fairuz Luthfa [Fairuz, Fairoz (kukuku...^^)] |
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Ayo angkatan ke-8 kita belajar memahami tanda2 kebesaran Allah!!
Angkatan yang unik, aneh, baik, membingungkan, pokoke komplit...
My favourite |
teachers Kuncoro Bey,Nurani bey |
lessons Math, Physics, Computer |
places Tempat Wudhu Mushola lantai 3, Perpustakaan, lantai 3 sekolah |
songs You're not alone, Mind Trick, All Incognition |
sports futsal |
foods semua masakan berbahan udang, centog, mangga muda, jambu biji |
drinks air putih, es teh, es susu sirup made by pak ali |
things kaca mata |
people nabi Muhammad SAW, bapak, all ilmuwan muslim |
another things about me
I finished my Junior High School in SMPN 1 KUDUS. I like Baca buku, but totally I hate all of these thing(s), biologi, cicak, tokek. In the future, I'm going to be (a/an) Jadi ilmuwan muslim yang hidup enak dunia akhirat. So, Ayo belajar dalam hidup.